Transaction system

The description of agreements between network members can be specified through individual transactions. For this purpose, network business processes are broken down into separate atomic transactions, which specify a set of actions on the data of network participants.

In a transactional system, the entire set of actions is specified directly in the code of a peer. A transaction specifies an action code (transaction type) and the data required for the action. The data formats in the transaction are defined. Processors of all transaction types are described. A format for storing data of the network members is set. The data is combined into a [StateTree] (one or more).

The state tree plays the leading role in the transactional system. Transactions are executed sequentially, each transaction generates a new state tree based on the previous one. A transaction sets the function for changing the state tree. Everything that is necessary to check and execute a transaction must be in the state tree.

The transaction history has two main roles:

  1. Validation of the state tree. The initial state and the entire transaction history should generate exactly the same tree as there is at the moment.

  2. Prevent the same transaction from being processed twice.

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