ID calculation

For the account

Similar to EON 1 ([TestNet3 - EON Peer API / Retrieving account identifier]):

  1. Taking the public key.

  2. Calculating the SHA-512 hash.

  3. The hash is reduced to 8 bytes (using XOR).

  4. The resulting 8 bytes form an 8-byte character number (the least significant bytes of the array are the least significant bytes of the number).

  5. This number is the identifier.

  6. The numeric format can be reduced to a string (similar to EON-1).

For transaction / command

Similar to EON 1 ([TestNet3 - EON Peer API / Retrieving transaction/block identifier], but instead of the EDS it takes a SHA-512 hash of the transaction or command data):

  1. Taking the bytes that are used to calculate the EDS.

  2. They are used to count the SHA-512 hash.

  3. Reducing the hash to 4 bytes (using XOR).

  4. The resulting 4 bytes form a 4-byte character number (the least significant bytes of the array are the least significant bytes of the number).

  5. This number is combined with timestamp to form an 8-byte character number (the lower part is timestamp, the higher is the number from the previous step).

  6. This number is the identifier.

  7. The numeric format can be reduced to a string similar to EON-1.

    1. TX- prefix is used for transactions.

    2. CMD-prefix is used for commands.

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