Node structure

CoreTendermint and CoinTendermint run in the single-node mode.

Protocols used:

  • HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

  • WS - WebSocket

  • TSP - Tendermint Socket Protocol

Mechanics with an intermediate proxy-service of the payment blockchain:

graph LR
  User((User)) -- HTTP  --> FrontC
  User -- HTTP --> FrontP
  User -- HTTP --> Grafana

  subgraph Monitoring
    Grafana[Grafana :3000] -- HTTP --> Prometheus[Prometheus :9090]

  subgraph Peer
    FrontC[CoreFront :8180] -- HTTP --> TMC
    TMC(CoreTendermint :26000) -- TSP --> App[Peer]

    bot -- HTTP --> TMC
    bot -- HTTP --> FrontP

    FrontP[CoinFront :8280] -- WebSocket --> App

    App --> App

Mechanics without an intermediate proxy-service of the payment blockchain:

graph LR
  User((User)) -- HTTP  --> FrontC
  User -- HTTP --> App
  User -- HTTP --> Grafana

  subgraph Monitoring
    Grafana[Grafana :3000] -- HTTP --> Prometheus[Prometheus :9090]

  subgraph Peer
    FrontC[CoreFront :8180] -- HTTP --> TMC
    TMC(CoreTendermint :26000) -- TSP --> App[Peer]

    bot -- HTTP --> TMC
    bot -- HTTP --> App

    App --> App

Last updated